Chez URBANIA, on apprécie la diversité sous toutes ses formes. On favorise un environnement où les différences individuelles sont reconnues, respectées et appréciées, de manière à développer le plein potentiel et mettre à contribution les talents spécifiques et les forces de chacun.e.

Notre équipe travaille fort à produire chaque jour des contenus engageants, pertinents et divertissants pour les centaines de milliers de jeunes adultes francophones qui s’abreuvent des histoires diffusées sur nos différentes plateformes numériques (urbania.ca, urbania.fr, Dehors, Quatre95, le Guide des universités URBANIA, etc.) et à la télé.

Nos équipes se dépassent, ont de l’initiative, cherchent à innover, à trouver les meilleurs personnages, à dénicher les histoires les plus surprenantes, à offrir une expérience exceptionnelle à notre audience. Notre mission est de rendre l’ordinaire extraordinaire. Il en va de même avec notre culture d’entreprise.

Pour compléter cette équipe de passionnés de storytelling, nous sommes à la recherche d’un.e stagiaire pour Dehors, la dernière bouture plein air d’URBANIA. La perle rare saura autant manier les mots qu’une paire de bottes de rando ou une pelle à jardin. Le stage, d’une durée de quatre mois (17 semaines), s’effectuera à raison de 16 heures par semaine.


· Produire des contenus vidéo (orientés réseaux sociaux) et écrits destinés à la section éditoriale de la plateforme sous la direction du responsable du contenu éditorial;

· Identifier des sujets, personnages, histoires, lieux, enjeux à traiter en vidéo et sous forme de texte, en cohérence avec l’ADN de Dehors et sa ligne éditoriale;

· Participer activement au positionnement d’URBANIA comme leader incontournable dans l’industrie des médias pour les jeunes adultes.


· Baccalauréat en communication, en journalisme, en intervention plein air, formation en tourisme d’aventure ou toute autre formation connexe et pertinente (peut être en cours);

· Excellente maîtrise du français oral et écrit, (bilinguisme, un atout);

· Habileté à travailler en équipe;

· Facilité à raconter une histoire

· Rigueur et capacité d’organisation;

· Bon jugement et autonomie;

· Entregent et facilité à communiquer;

· Grand intérêt pour le contenu numérique;

· Très grand intérêt pour le plein air et les activités extérieures en général.

Si le plein air est votre deuxième nature et que vous avez envie de faire partie d’un média qui est vite sur ses patins pour aborder des sujets qui sortent des sentiers battus, ce stage est pour vous!

Travailler chez URBANIA, c’est accéder à des espaces lumineux, sans tapis ni cubicule, qui regorgent de collations et de restants de bière du dernier party, en plus d’offrir des tonnes d’occasions de parfaire son répertoire d’anecdotes weirds à raconter. C’est aussi évoluer au sein d’une entreprise flexible et vibrante de projets porteurs qui alimentent l’esprit d’équipe et de dépassement, en plus d’y côtoyer des talents et des partenaires hors du commun.

URBANIA est un média, une maison de production, une agence de contenu et un atelier de création numérique : un quatuor créatif, curieux, différent.

Des questions sur le stage? Merci de faire parvenir votre candidature en incluant votre CV et une lettre de motivation avant le 29 novembre 2021 à francois@urbania.ca.

Début : janvier 2022 (possibilité de télétravail, date précise à discuter)

Le stage est assorti d’une bourse de 3 700$


NOVEMBER 5 – 6, 2021

For Students of Concordia University

Zander’s Podcast interviews international celebrities and athletes to help bring awareness to his local charity, which is the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario. Zander and his family, with the support of Air Canada and the Canadian NHL clubs, have created an initiative to help bring awareness to children’hospitals across Canada. The initiative showcases the local NHL club through a behind the scenes look at a game day experience and highlights the services of Children’s Hospitals and their foundations.

About Zander
Zander Zatylny is 12 years old and was born in Montreal with a serious heart malformation. He has gone through multiple surgeries in Montreal and Ottawa and is currently living a very normal lifestyle. Zander has always wanted to give back and has acted as a local ambassador for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and the Children’s Wish Foundation.

A year ago, Zander started his own broadcast and reached out to entertainment and sports celebrities throughout North America, to help bring awareness to his charity. Zander has interviewed celebrities like Jimmy Kimmel, Matthew McConaughey, John Stamos and Brooke Henderson to name a few.

The Objective
Showcase the NHL and its Canadian teams. Bring awareness to the healthcare needs of our children. Recognize the scope of services provided by local hospitals and help support the hospital foundation.

The Opportunity
Two half days of filming at the two Canadiens facilities, Complexe Sportif Bell in Brossard, and the
Centre Bell in Montreal. (Player and Staff interviews) Participation in the editing and production of the final product to be released in late November. Video narration (Pre-Game), Post-game press conference, fan interviews (Pre-Game)

You can learn more about Zander and his mission at zanderzatylny.com
Please contact, Stephen Zatylny for further details at 613.462.7277 – admin@zanderzatylny.com

(French) – GESTIONNAIRE DE COMMUNAUTÉS ET WEBMESTRE – Unpointcinq – Stage rémunéré

This offer is in French, but opened to bilingual candidates.

Dans le cadre du Programme « Compétences numériques pour les jeunes », coordonné par
Communautique, Unpointcinq est à la recherche d’un gestionnaire de communautés et

Qui nous sommes
Unpointcinq est un média de solutions sur l’action climatique dont le ou la stagiaire devra
gérer les médias sociaux et le site Web. Il démystifie la question de l’heure en mettant de
l’avant des pistes d’actions concrètes et accessibles à tous. Il montre aussi des gens et des
organisations qui agissent, à leur niveau, pour s’adapter à cette nouvelle réalité. Tout ça
avec une tonalité sympathique et accessible.

Notre conviction : ce n’est pas parce qu’on DOIT parler de climat qu’on doit être plate ! On
peut aussi détendre l’atmosphère.

Sans but lucratif, sans pub, non militant et non partisan, Unpointcinq ne fait pas de politique
et ne prend pas parti dans les débats. Mais on ne fait pas de cachette non plus : ce qu’on
veut du plus profond de notre cœur, c’est qu’on passe tous ensemble à l’action et qu’on
montre au monde entier de quel bois on se chauffe au Québec !

Unpointcinq a développé des partenariats novateurs avec différents médias québécois tels
que L’actualité, Noovo, le magazine Véro, Le Devoir, 24h, L’agence Science-Presse ou QUB

Si ce que tu viens de lire excite les neurones de ton cerveau gauche alors que son
équivalent droit réfléchit déjà à s’imbriquer dans l’équipe d’un média de solutions
unique au pays, voici la description de la personne assez spéciale qu’on recherche.
On cherche une personne curieuse et allumée qui a envie d’essayer des affaires avec nous,
d’innover et de faire les choses autrement.

Principales responsabilités
 Mise à jour du site Web du média: intégration des contenus et coordination des mises à
jour avec le développeur
 Rédaction et publication des posts pour les différents médias sociaux (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin)
 Animation, surveillance et régulation des médias sociaux
 Participation à la réalisation de l’infolettre
 Participation à la stratégie pour les médias sociaux
 Création ou participation à la création d’un ou plusieurs petits sites Web WordPress pour
des projets connexes
 Participation à la réflexion et mise en œuvre d’actions afin d’optimiser le référencement
naturel des médias
 Participation à la production des rapports de performance mensuels ou autres
documents de suivis

Exigences et qualifications
 Expérience en gestion des médias sociaux pour une marque B2C et grand public
 Connaissance du CMS WordPress
 Connaissances en HTML – un atout
 Intérêt à développer de nouvelles approches communicationnelles pour parler d’action
climatique et environnementale.
 Intérêt marqué envers le sujet de l’urgence climatique et pour les défis
communicationnels relatifs à l’action face aux changements climatiques et à
l’environnement au Québec.
 Parfaite maîtrise du français écrit
 Détenir un diplôme d’étude collégiale ou universitaire de premier cycle en
communication, marketing ou tout autre domaine pertinent

Qualités personnelles recherchées
 Curiosité
 Débrouillardise et autonomie
 Esprit collaboratif et constructif
 Rigueur
 Sens de l’initiative
 Être confortable, créatif et agile dans un contexte innovant, dynamique et mouvant.

Critères d’admissibilité au programme Compétences numériques pour les jeunes :
 Avoir entre 15 et 30 ans au début du stage
 Avoir terminé des études post-secondaires
 Avoir légalement le droit de travailler au Canada
 Être un citoyen canadien, un résident permanent ou une personne à qui le statut de
réfugié a été accordé au Canada
 Ne pas percevoir de prestation d’assurance-emploi (AE) pendant le stage
 S’auto-évaluer comme sous-employé, c’est-à-dire qu’il est sans emploi, employé en
dessous de leur niveau d’éducation ou occupe un emploi à temps partiel
 Ne pas déjà avoir effectué un stage dans le cadre du programme
NOTE IMPORTANTE : le stage comprend une série de formations coordonnée par
Communautique et ne peut être effectué dans le cadre des études.

Pour postuler
Envoie-nous ta candidature avant le lundi 6 septembre à 12h, à l’adresse clalloz@futursimple.ca en indiquant « Stage – Gestionnaire de communauté et webmestre » dans l’objet
du courriel.

Les pièces requises :
Une lettre de présentation
Un curriculum vitae
Un court texte (maximum 500 mots) ayant pour sujet :
Comment les médias sociaux peuvent-ils être un outil pour éduquer tout en faisant triper les
gens à propos de l’action climatique. Avec quels types de contenus ?

Lieu de travail
En télétravail pour l’instant.
Aux bureaux (métro McGill à Montréal) une fois les mesures sanitaires levées, avec
possibilité de télétravail partiel.

Détails du poste
Entrée en poste : dès que possible
Durée du stage : jusqu’au 31 mars 2022
32h / semaine
Rémunération : 19,23$ / heure

Research assistant – Dawson College

I am looking for a second- or third-year student to assist me in my research on media bias. The candidate must have taken course(s) on media bias, have excellent writing and editing skills, and must be willing to engage in collaborative work. The candidate must be a native speaker of English. The payment will be project based but will come to about $ 20 per hour. Please send your resume and a sample of your writing to Professor W. Aberra, to the following e-mail address: waberra@dawsoncollege.qc.ca. For further information, you can contact me at 514-931-8731.

CIM Magazine Paid Editorial Internship

CIM Magazine, Canada’s foremost mining magazine is offering a 12-week paid internship opportunity for upper-year students and recent graduates. The intern will work remotely from home and have the chance to have input in all facets of magazine editorial (print and online versions).

During the internship, the intern will mainly be called upon to write and edit copy, conduct interviews, attend story meetings and see the magazine progress through the production cycle.

About us:

CIM Magazine is published by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) eight times per year and distributed to more than 10,000 CIM members and at industry-related events and conferences throughout the year.

Our coverage of mining includes the technical, financial, social and environmental aspects of the industry. Each issue of the magazine contains:

· product briefs

· news

· columns from experts in the field

· a number of short features

· a profile of a mining project

· a long-form feature story

· updates on various activities of the Institute

· stories from mining’s history

Internship requirements:

The intern will work 35 hours per week for 12 weeks. Due to the remote aspect, technical requirements are a phone, internet and a computer with camera and microphone.


Essential: some news writing and editing experience

· Strong writing and proofreading skills

· Proficient interviewing skills

· Good time management

· Creative and curious

Important: familiarity with Canadian Press style

No, you don’t need to be familiar with mining, but it helps


$13.50/hr (QC minimum wage)

How to apply:

Submit a resume, portfolio of recent work and a letter of intent outlining how this internship is a good fit for both yourself and CIM Magazine to Section Editor Matthew Parizot (mparizot@cim.org). Please include your name and the position you are applying for in the subject field of the email.

Deadline for applications: October 29, 2021

Internship start date: November 15, 2021

We thank all applicants who respond, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Columnist Researcher (English Services) – CBC



Job Family

  Programming (TV-Radio-Web)

Primary Location

  Montreal Position Language Requirement  Bilingual (English / French) Language Skill Level (Reading)  BLanguage Skill Level (Writing)  BLanguage Skill Level (Speaking)  B Status of Employment  ContractWork schedule(s)  Full-time  

Work at CBC/Radio-Canada At CBC/Radio-Canada, we create content that informs, entertains and connects Canadians on multiple platforms. Our successes and accomplishments are driven by embodying and upholding values, which include creativity, integrity, inclusiveness and relevance.  Do you think you have the ability and drive to keep up with this exciting, ever-changing industry? Whether it be in front of the camera, on air, online or behind the scenes, you would be joining a team that thrives on making connections and telling stories that are important to Canadians. 

We are looking to hire two Columnists-Researchers: One assignment will be for the radio show Let’s Go, and the other one will be for the Daybreak radio show. Both positions are one-year contracts. 

Your role:

As a Columnist-Researcher, you bring stories to life.
You will pitch, research, and book stories for a radio show.
You will also go out in the field to gather interviews and sound, and do live reports on air. You’ll also be creating digital and social treatments for your stories. 

For reference purposes, and at the time of this posting, the Daybreak shift is Monday-Friday, noon-8 p.m., and the Let’s Go shift is Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. – 6 p.m.

We are looking for a candidate with the following: 

  • Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent.
  • Two years of relevant work experience. 
  • Able to work well alone or on a team.
  • Wide general knowledge. 
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of the Montreal region. 
  • Able to develop on-line treatments for stories. 
  • Excellent knowledge of research tools and techniques. 
  • Fluency in English (spoken and written) and very good knowledge of French. 
  • Knowledge of interview techniques. 
  • Able to analyze, synthesize and think critically.
  • Able to discuss a topic clearly. 
  • Must be able to work under pressure. 
  • Strong on air presence.  
  • A keen interest in local radio and radio story-telling.

Candidates will be tested as follows: 

  • Complete an assignment.
  • Interview.

 If this sounds interesting, please click on ”Apply online”. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. CBC/Radio-Canada is committed to being a leader in reflecting our country’s diversity. That’s because we can only create and tell the stories that connect Canadians, by having a workforce that mirrors the ever-changing makeup of our country. That’s why we, as an employer, value equal opportunity and nurture an inclusive workplace where our individual differences are not only recognized and valued, but also extend to and pervade all the services we provide as Canada’s public broadcaster. For more information, visit the Diversity and Inclusion section of our website. If you have accommodation needs at this stage of the recruitment process, please inform us as soon as possible by sending an e-mail to recruitment@cbc.ca. You are invited to consult and familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct, which can be found on our corporate website. All employees must adhere to the Code as a condition of employment. We also invite you to take a look at our policy on conflicts of interest. In the event that you become an employee, it will be important to inform us, as quickly as possible, of any situation that, because of your hiring, constitutes or could appear to constitute a conflict of interest.

Online News Reporter

The Hill Times is looking to hire a permanent, full-time news reporter.  We’re looking for someone who sees journalism as a noble profession, loves politics, and can illuminate interesting story ideas and break exclusive news.  The Hill Times is a fast-paced, twice-weekly newspaper in Ottawa covering Parliament Hill, the federal government, and federal politics for a readership that includes cabinet ministers, Members of Parliament, Senators, and their staff; federal public servants; political insiders; lobbyists; foreign diplomats posted to Canada; industry associations; authors; journalists; and academics. We go inside federal politics in a way no one else does.


  • demonstrated knowledge of Parliament Hill/federal government; previous coverage of these areas would be a strong asset
  • journalism degree or diploma, and previous daily/weekly reporting experience (or commensurate experience, with no degree/diploma)
  • knowledge of The Hill Times’ niche and how we cover politics and policy
  • mastery of CP style, detail-oriented
  • good people skills and a team player
  • strong adherence to journalistic ethics
  • ability to write accurate and fair stories while respecting tight deadlines


  • photography skills
  • knowledge of the WordPress content management system
  • ability to speak, write, and read French
  • knowledge of the Access to Information system
  • enthusiasm for data/visual journalism


  • file two to three exclusive, in-depth stories per week, primarily for publication online
  • write daily news as required
  • take photos as required
  • work Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., generally, with some earlier mornings, evenings, and weekends when required
  • write the daily Politics This Morningnewsletter, in a set weekly rotation with other members of the online team
  • other responsibilities, as required by the online editor, may include posting content to The Hill Times’social media accounts

Deadline for applications: 

Send your resumé, cover letter, and two to three of your best clippings to Kate Malloy, editor (kmalloy@hilltimes.com), and Charelle Evelyn, managing editor (cevelyn@hilltimes.com), by Nov. 5, 2021.

We thank all applicants for their submissions, but only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.

CBC Montreal: Newsroom Editorial Assistant- Summer 2022

If you are a graduating Concordia journalism student (from the undergraduate program or diploma program), CBC Montreal has an incredible opportunity to offer. You could work for a summer in a dynamic newsroom that covers local news online, on television and on radio. 

Working knowledge of French is required

Drivers licence required

CBC Montreal’s 12-week Editorial Assistant in the newsroom (summer 2022) is a paid position

You will:

  • Check and follow up on story leads.
  • Support the web desk by researching and fact-checking stories.
  • Pitch story ideas/angles/digital treatment and possible guests.
  • Research, and check information on stories covered. Retrieve audio and visual clips and images as required.
  • Conduct pre-interviews. Suggest interview questions and approaches.
  • Write stories for online. 

Please submit your application to Nathalie.walther@cbc.ca

 Deadline: November 1st, 2021

 In your application include:

  • Letter of intent
  • CV
  • Two samples of your written work
  • One audio OR  video sample

Applicants selected for an interview will be contacted by the CBC

This internship may be done remotely

Internships at CBC – Winter 2022

News is at the forefront of local digital and broadcast journalism in Montreal.

At CBC Montreal, we gather, produce and broadcast news in Quebec for CBC Radio, CBC Television and CBC.CA/Montreal.

We are currently seeking one intern for the Winter 2022 session, to work in Montreal with CBC digital and current affairs.

Internships Goals

You will have the opportunity to gain practical experience at CBC in Montreal.

You will work as a junior member of the CBC digital team for 5 weeks.You will also work as a researcher on Daybreak (3 weeks) and Let’s Go (2 weeks ). You will learn how to pitch stories, write scripts, and write for the web.


Internship Application Process


• Letter of intent from the student. Why you want this position–what you will bring to the position–and how will you benefit.

•Two samples of your written work. 

•One sample or audio or visual work 

Application Deadline: November 10, 2021

Please email Nathalie.walther@cbc.ca

There is also an interview at CBC as part of the process.


•• 160 hours of for credit service. Approximately 16 hours per week for 10 weeks in CBC News Montreal.This amounts to 3 credits at Concordia.

• Note – Students undertaking these internships are not excused from classes or other courses

• This internship is offered under the JOUR 508 -Internship/Independent Study course, for a total of three credits. Students must obtain departmental approval to enrol in this program.

Candidate Selection Criteria

• Diploma Journalism student.

• Curious and critical thinker

• Passionate about journalism

• Strong work ethic: meeting deadlines, attention to detail, dedication, initiative, team player

• Strong writing and broadcasting skills

• Excellent digital skills

• Bilingual, English and French


Business area: Journalism/Internet/Media

Location: 4543 rue Fabre, Montréal, QC H2J 3V7, Canada

Type of contract: full or part-time

Duration: by agreement

COVID 19 specific terms: Teleworking

Start date: anytime

Level: university

Indemnities: unpaid

Planned period: position available throughout the year


Global Goodness is a media dedicated to positive news and its impact. We broadcast and produce news about people, organizations, or companies working to make a positive difference in the world.


Global Goodness is looking for intern-journalists/researchers. Under the supervision of the director of information, the intern will have to research subjects and write articles. He/she will also have to monitor and post content on social networks.

Finally, interns will have to proofread translated articles from French.



  • Mastery of web communication tools
  • Fluency in English, both oral and written. French is an asset.
  • Good knowledge of word processing software (Office suite) and Internet browsing
  • Knowledge of the WordPress platform (an asset)
  • Knowledge of image processing software (Photoshop or other)


  • Creativity, open-mindedness, autonomy
  • Dynamism, ability to work alone
  • Motivated, passionate, respectful and professional


To apply, send a letter of motivation and a curriculum vitae, in French or English, specifying your location and dates of availability to internship@globalgoodness.ca